Expansion of The O.R. Side Trail Oct 2023

With the generous permission of the landowner (Province of Ontario) and the hard work of several trail maintenance volunteers, we are happy to announce a new section of The O.R. Side Trail is now open.  This “community pathway” has existed for quite some time, but the GHTC has permission to adopt it into our trail network, and maintain it as such.  Which basically means, keep it pruned. 

This is now an interesting loop trail, to explore the northern part of The O.R. Side Trail, just south of York Road, including Clythe Creek, the Eramosa River, and the big ponds on the grounds of the former Ontario Reformatory lands.

One of our ‘Monday work parties’ in October cut back the thick vegetation along that yellow pathway on the map and red circle shows where a new bridge to cross a culvert was built.

Thanks to Trevor Reid, Colleen Pinniger, Jim Hoare, Brian van Nostrand, Bill Mungall, and John Fisher for helping clear out this pathway!

Our next work party installed this new footbridge.  How appropriate in this, our Club’s “Year of the Bridges”, that we were able to add another bridge to our network.  It crosses the drainage channel just before it enters the Eramosa River (pink circle on map above):

Thanks to Bill Mungall, Jim Hoare, Brian van Nostrand, Norm Sailian, and Ernst Braendli for building this new footbridge!


This new loop is now an expanded part of The O.R. Side Trail.  Happy hiking!


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Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395

PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6 

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